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How to Make Bunk Beds Easy to Make Up

...because home doesn't happen overnight.

I didn't realize what a pain it is to make bunk beds until we got them for the boys' shared bedroom. It makes me sweat. No joke. After struggling with the beds for a while, I thought "there's got to be a better way!" When I googled "how to make bunk beds" all I came up with were a bunch of tutorials on how tobuild bunk beds. Not what I was looking for.


I thought maybe something was wrong with me and possibly bunk beds were to be dressed just like a regular bed. When I read about how to properly dress a single level bed, I was in shock. WTF?! I'm supposed to iron bed sheets? You've got to be kidding me. Me, the girl who doesn't even break out the iron unless there's a wedding or a photo shoot. And all those layers of bedding – sheets, blankets, duvets, coverlets, throw blankets, pillows?? Um, that's so not happening in my kids' room. So, I set out to find little tricks for making bunk beds easy – or at least easier – on my own and I'm happy to share those with you today. Let's do this.


Tip #1 Use a stool. Unless you're 7′ tall or have go-go gadget arms, you're gonna need a step stool. At the beginning of my bunk bed-making journey, I would get up on the top bunk and try to make it. Do you know how hard it is to make a bed that you are in? It doesn't work. Now I keep a small stool in the boys' bedroom just for making the bed. It's a lifesaver.


Tip #2 Use sheet clips. From what I can tell, plastic surgery is glorified bed-making. You're not going to get good topical results unless everything underneath is smooth. Some kids are the busiest sleepers, aren't they? When my oldest wakes up in the morning, it looks like he's been practicing swimming from sharks all night.


I use these bed bands to hold his fitted sheet in place. He's on the top bunk so I can fasten them from the bottom bunk. Basically, you put one clip in each corner, grip the perpendicular sides, clip shut then adjust the tension to hold the sheet snugly. Even if you don't have a busy sleeper on the top bunk, I'd still suggest using sheet clips to keep the sheet in place.


Tip #3. Skip flat sheets.Kids + flat sheets = balled up flat sheets at the foot of the bed. It never fails.


After trying unsuccessfully to teach my kids the "right" way to sleep – with the flat sheet OVER their bodies – I gave up the fight. We parents must pick our battles.


I did away with flat sheets on the kids' beds all together and instead use a thicker, heavier cotton blanket right on top of the fitted sheet. Go ahead. Say it. Domestic rebel! I'm a happier mom because of it. Sometimes the boys sleep on top of the blanket {who am I to judge?} but when they do use it as a cover they don't kick it off.


Tip #4. Choose a fluffy down comforter + duvet cover. It's nearly impossible to get the outermost bedding on bunk beds perfectly smooth because you don't have direct access to both sides of the beds. I've found it's easiest to go with bedding that looks good kind of rumpled and that's thick enough to disguise wrinkly imperfections. A down comforter inside a duvet cover fits the bill. In the winter I use a down comforter with a higher warmth rating and in the summer I use one with a lower warmth rating.


On the top bunk, I tuck the foot of the duvet first. Then I pull the duvet all the way up to the head of the bed. I tuck the wall side then the wall-free side.


On the bottom bunk, I do the same but fold the duvet back a bit just for something different.


Tip #5. Use comforter clips.A duvet cover is essentially a really big pillowcase. There's a lot of room for the comforter to shift. I use these padded clips to hold the comforter to the duvet cover. It makes for less duvet adjustments in the morning.


Tip #6. Go easy on the pillows. One standard pillow for sleeping and one or two throw pillows are plenty.


Kids don't care about pillows. Moms do. Keep it simple for your sanity.


More than likely they're going to end up on the floor anyhow.



And that's it! Six tips for making bunk beds. None of which require an iron. Of course, you can apply these tips to regular beds as well.

I'll be honest. I don't make the boys' beds everyday. Some days I ask them to make their beds themselves because it's a chore I think they should be responsible for. But seeing as how I have a hard time making the bunk beds, you can only imagine what the beds look like after an eight-year-old and four-year-old work their magic on them. When company's coming, I make the beds.

Or I just close the hideout curtains.


The step stool {nearly five years old}, bedding and curtains are all from IKEA. I didn't plan it that way. It just happened. IKEA has really great inexpensive bedding which is perfect for children.

I know what you're thinking. THOSE WALL STRIPES! Sorry, that's another post.

Do you have any tips or tricks for making kids' beds? Do your kids make their own beds? Do you make your kids' beds? A little of both? A little of neither? Yeah, we have those days too.

images: Dana Miller for House*Tweaking


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